What is Myopia and what can we do about it?
What is Myopia?
What happens to the eye when it become more myopic?
Pharmaceutical treatment
So what’s the best option?
That depends.
Atropine and Orthokeratology are the more effective way of controlling the progression compare to spectacle lenses or soft multifocal lenses.
A decision is usually made based on the risk of rapid progression, tolerance to contact lenses vs eye drops, the financial cost involved in the treatment. And the decision should be constantly reviewed as visual demand changes with time.
Pharmaceutical treatment
Atropine and Orthokeratology are the more effective way of controlling the progression compare to spectacle lenses or soft multifocal lenses.
A decision is usually made based on the risk of rapid progression, tolerance to contact lenses vs eye drops, the financial cost involved in the treatment. And the decision should be constantly reviewed as visual demand changes with time.